Terms and Conditions for bookings at Three Moors View
Three Moors View Booking Terms
1. THE CONTRACT for a short-term holiday rental will be between Three Moors View's owners (referred to as “us” or “we”) and the person making the booking. UK law will govern the Contract. The contract of hire is not effective until we have processed the deposit and confirmed receipt of it by email. The contract will be subject to these booking conditions, and must be complied with. The person booking must be at least 21 years of age at the time of booking and the booking form must list names, addresses and ages of the guests staying.
2. PAYMENT: Bookings are CONFIRMED on receipt the deposit of 25% of the holiday cost. The deposit must be paid within 7 days of booking being placed. The balance of the rental will be due for payment 8 weeks prior to the holiday commencement date and we reserve the right to cancel a holiday where payment has not been received 8 weeks before the commencement date.
If the booking is made within 8 weeks of the holiday start date the full rental will be required. If the booking is made within 14 days of the arrival date, full payment must be received within 24 hours of placing the booking. No entry to properties will be allowed without payment, in full, being cleared beforehand. Once you have a confirmed booking, (for clarity when you have paid the deposit), you are responsible for the full rental cost even if you subsequently cancel.
Cancellations must be immediately notified to us and confirmed in writing. The treatment of a cancellation will depend on
a) the date the booking was made
b) when the cancellation is made and
c) the reason for the cancellation
Bookings placed from 09 January 2021 will be treated based of the reason for the cancellation, the length of time between cancellation and your holiday, and our ability to re-let the property, as follows:
National Lockdown – In the event of a national lockdown that coincides with your holiday, where you are unable to travel, and we are prevented from opening, you will receive a full refund.
Regional/Local Lockdown – In the event that the address given on the booking is put into Local/Regional Lockdown, rendering you unable to travel, and the period of restriction covers the period of your booking, you will receive a full refund. Please note that this applies only to the address given on the booking.
Your inability (or the inability of any, some or all of your intended occupants) or disinclination to travel to and stay at your hired Cottage for any reason. This includes – but is not limited to – illness (including Covid), a requirement or recommendation to self-isolate or quarantine, a call to jury duty, incarceration, change in personal or work circumstances, family emergencies, travel delays, vehicle breakdown, and delays with public transport. These remain at your risk and do not give rise to a right to cancel or to receive a refund unless we re-let the property, other than according to the sliding scale below. You are strongly recommended to take out UK travel insurance to cover these eventualities.
If you choose not to take out UK travel insurance then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation.
Travel Insurance
It is the responsibility of the guest to acquire suitable travel insurance to cover their holiday, including Cancellation and Curtailment Protection Insurance. We strongly recommend that you take out suitable insurance which will cover you for possible cancellation of your UK holiday. There are several suitable options which include cover for COVID-related cancellation (see below), or you can look for suitable cover on comparison sites such as www.gocompare.com. We are not selling, promoting, endorsing or recommending any particular product, and do not benefit financially or have any formal relationship with any of these providers.
All refunds will be subject to deduction of a non-refundable administration fee of £75 to cover our costs and third party costs related to the cancellation and remarketing (these costs include our admin costs, re-marketing costs, bank fees, accounting fees and agency fees or commission payments).
A cancellation charge will be made based on the number of days notification of cancellation given by the person making the booking to Three Moors View, and whether the house is re-let for the period of the cancelled stay. Three Moors View will apply the scale shown in the table below to determine the amount of the refund payable to you. If the house is not re-let, this will be a percentage of the total cost of the holiday. If the house is re-let, the amount refunded will be the rebooking value (which may be less than you paid) less the non-refundable administration fee of £75.
Part Cancellations – If any person(s) in your party needs to cancel, this will not affect the total cost of your booking. In addition, no refunds are payable in the event that you cut short your stay.
Refunds for cancellations more than 8 weeks out will be made within 3 working days of the date of cancellation, which must be in writing (by email). Refunds for cancellations made less than 8 weeks out will be made within 3 working days of the earlier of the rebooking date, or the start date of the holiday (as the refund amount will depend on the rebooking value).

Cancellation by Us
If we (Three Moors View) have to cancel your booking for any reason, including a Force Majeure event, meaning any of the following circumstances which may hinder or prevent the performance by us of the Contract, you will be refunded in full.
(a) acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster;
(b) epidemic or pandemic;
(c) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations;
(d) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; (e) any law or any action taken by a government or public authority, including without limitation imposing a restriction, prohibition, or failing to grant a necessary licence or consent;
(f) collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident;
(g) any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts;
(h) non-performance by suppliers or contractors; and
(i) interruption or failure of utility service, and the period of closure covers you booking
4. PERIOD OF HIRE: You should not arrive before 4pm on the commencement date, and leave by 10am on the day of departure. Failure to do so will result in you being charged a further day’s rental. You must not use the property except for the purpose of a holiday during the holiday period, and not for any other purpose or longer period. The agreement to stay in the property for the holiday period, does not create the relationship of Landlord and Tenant between the parties. You shall not be entitled to a new tenancy, or to any assured short hold or assured tenancy or any statutory protection under the Housing Act 1988 or other statutory security of tenure now or at the end of the Holiday Period.
The shortest let is for two days.
5. LIABILITY: Three Moors View and its representatives shall not be liable to you or your fellow guests for loss or damage to property howsoever arising. You must take all necessary steps to safeguard yourselves and your property and to have read and complied with our Dog Policy.
6. CARE OF THE PROPERTY: You are responsible for the property and are expected to take all reasonable care of its furniture, pictures, fittings and effects, in or on the property. You must leave them in the same state of repair, and in the same clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period as at the beginning. You must not use the property for any dangerous, offensive, noxious, noisy, immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to the owner or other neighbouring properties. Smoking is not allowed inside the property.
7. DAMAGES & BREAKAGES: You are legally bound to reimburse us for replacement, repair or extra cleaning costs on demand. If you lose a key we will replace it upon you paying £15 for the cutting of a new one.
10. WIFI: Wi-Fi is provided for the guest’s reasonable use. It is rural broadband and has limitations. The guest agrees to reasonable and lawful usage of this service.
8. RIGHT OF ENTRY: We shall be allowed the right of entry to the property at all reasonable times for purposes of inspection or to carry out any necessary repairs or maintenance.
9. COMPLAINTS: Every effort has been made to ensure that you have an enjoyable stay. However, if you have any problem or cause for complaint, it is essential that you contact us immediately to give us the chance to resolve it. We value your custom and want you to return.
WIFI Access Terms and Conditions
This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions on which wireless internet access (“the Service”) is provided free of charge to you, a guest and any fellow guests, of Three Moors View (“we”) in consideration of your custom.
Extent of the Service
1.1. We do not recommend the use of any websites (or other internet related services (“Internet Services”)) and your use of Internet Services is carried out entirely at your own risk.
1.2. We have no responsibility for or control over the Internet Services you access and do not guarantee that any services are error or virus free.
1.3. We have no responsibility for or control over the information you transmit or receive via the Service.
1.4. Save for the purpose of network diagnosis we do not examine the use to which you put the Service or the nature of the information you send or receive.
1.5. We do not guarantee the availability of the Service or the speed at which information may be transmitted or received via the Service or that the Service will be compatible with your equipment or any software that you use.
1.6. We do not guarantee the security of the information which you may transmit or receive using the Service or located on any equipment utilising the Service and you accept that it is your responsibility to protect your information and have adequate security (in terms of equipment and procedures) to ensure the security integrity and confidentiality of your information and data.
1.7. We reserve the right at all times to withdraw the Service, change the specification or manner of use of the Service, change access codes, user names, passwords, or other security information necessary to access the Service.
2. Your use of the Service
2.1. You must not use the Service to access Internet Services or send or receive emails which:
2.1.1. Are defamatory, threatening, intimidatory or which could be classed as harassment
2.1.2. Contain obscene, profane, or abusive language or material
2.1.3. Contain pornographic material (that is texts, pictures, films, video clips of a sexually explicit or arousing nature)
2.1.4. Contain offensive or derogatory images regarding sex, race, religion, colour, origin, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, or sexual orientation
2.1.5. Contain material which infringe third party’s rights (including intellectual property rights)
2.1.6. In our reasonable opinion may adversely affect the manner in which we carry out our business or
2.1.7. Are otherwise unlawful or inappropriate
2.2. Music, video, pictures, text, and other content on the internet may be copyright works and you should not download, alter email, or otherwise use such content unless certain that the owner of such works has authorised its use by you.
2.3. We may terminate or temporarily suspend the Service if we reasonably believe that you are in breach of any of the provisions of this agreement
2.4. We recommend that you do not use the Service to transmit or receive any confidential information or data and should you do so you do so at your own risk
2.5. The service is intended for consumer use only. In the event that you use the Service for commercial purposes we would specifically refer you to clause 4.2 below.
3. Criminal Activity
3.1. You must not use the Service to engage in any activity which constitutes or is capable of constituting a criminal offence either in the United Kingdom or in any state throughout the world.
3.2. You agree and acknowledge that we may be required to provide assistance and information to law enforcement, government agencies and other authorities.
3.3. You agree and acknowledge that we may keep a log of the Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses of any devices which access the Service, the times when they have accessed the Service and the activity associated with that IP address.
3.4. You further agree that we are entitled to co-operate with law enforcement authorities and rights-holders in the investigation of any suspected or alleged illegal activity by you which may include but is not limited to disclosure of such information as we have (whether pursuant to clause 3.3 or otherwise) and are entitled to provide by law to law enforcement authorities or rights-holders.
4. Other Terms
4.1. You agree to compensate us fully for any claims or legal action (including but not limited to legal costs) made or threatened against us by someone else because you have used the Service in breach of these conditions.
4.2. We have no responsibility (to the extent permitted by law) to compensate you (whether or not we are negligent) for any direct or indirect financial loss, loss of profit or revenue, time, anticipated savings of profit or revenue, opportunity data, use, business, wasted expenditure, business interruption, loss arising from disclosure of information, loss arising from or in connection with use of the Service or inability to use of access the Service or a failure, suspension or withdrawal of all or part of the Service at any time or for any other similar direct or indirect loss that may arise in relation to this agreement whether or not we were advised in advance of the possibility of such loss or damage.
4.3. We agree that the terms of this agreement are not enforceable by a third party under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
4.4. This agreement is governed by the law of England and Wales and is subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.